About our store
Our online store offers underwater video stock footage clips and underwater films for commercial use.
All stock footage clips are royalty free and available as download. 4K clips sell for 19.99$ and Full HD clips for 9.99$.
We have a big selection of underwater films from all over the world. All films are set to relaxing music and are available as download.
The films can be used in public places and are royalty free. We charge 99$ for a film in HD and 149$ for an underwater film in 4K quality.
All stock footage clips and films come with a commercial license.
Our story
Since two decades we film the incredible marine life with professional underwater camera systems in 4K Ultra HD and Full HD.
20 years ago we started filming when the first Sony HDV camera, recording to mini DV tape, was released .
Since then technology has evolved and we can now offer underwater video clips and underwater films in 4K quality to our clients.
Before we started filming underwater we were working in the dive industry and had more than 1000 logged dives.
We believe that it is necessary to become a profound diver with extensive knowledge about the marine environment first, before starting to film underwater marine life.
To capture certain marine life species on film it takes a lot of knowledge about the species, behavior, feeding habits, the environment and time of day.
Patients is key!                                                  To get the shot of shy and difficult to film marine life creatures it can take hours, days, month or even years. If it doesn’t happen, it doesn’t happen. After all it is nature and that’s the beauty of it.
We are grateful to life in a time were marine life can still can be found in our oceans and extremely blessed to have documented a variety of now endangered marine life species.

Since the beginning we use Sony Video cameras in different formats. Starting with HDV graduating through the years to a full HD camera and now we are filming with a Sony 4K camera. .
As for underwater housings, we always used aluminum housing. Most underwater housing were from Gates, but we used Nauticam housings as well.
Having the correct light is one of the biggest factors for filming underwater. We use led lights from Bigblue Dive Lights.
If technical diving is required we use, side mount, stage tanks, Nitrox and rebreathers to increase our chances to get the marine life on film.,

To identify marine life species from the Red sea and the Indo-Pacific Ocean we use myreefguide from Joris Rombouts with more than 1949 listed species.